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Spruce the Bruce
This is just place holder copy – not sure if we want to put in a short line of what's happening during the event.
Spruce the Bruce
This is just place holder copy – not sure if we want to put in a short line of what's happening during the event.
Spruce the Bruce
This is just place holder copy – not sure if we want to put in a short line of what's happening during the event.
Spruce the Bruce
This is just place holder copy – not sure if we want to put in a short line of what's happening during the event.
Our Policies
A national gas reservation policy
To make gas and electricity prices cheaper.
Solar and Batteries for all Social Housing
To reduce power bills for those who most need it.
Freeze foreign investment in residential properties
So more Australians can buy a home.
Enhance our corporate anti-competition laws
To reduce cost of living pressures.
Programs for young people
To grow their self-worth, teach lost values and prevent a cycle of crime.
Defend those who have defended us
To show appreciation for their service, including implementing the recommendations from the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide as soon as possible and righting the wrongs with veteran pensions.
Proper oversight of Defence procurement
To stop defence waste.
Fair resource royalties
So that the sale of our resources benefits Australians.
Make Australia Make Again
So we export steel, not iron ore; export batteries, not lithium; export products, not research.
Multinational Tax Avoidance
To ensure everyone pays their fair share.
Cleanup political corruption
To restore people’s trust.
Transparent and accountable government
So people can fully participate in Government and the Government understands they work for the people.