Did you know, Labor wants to give political parties $5 of your taxpayer money every time you vote for them?
This week they're introducing a new "electoral reform." They say it's to limit political donations. Rubbish!. In fact, huge donations would still be allowed, but major parties would get more of your taxpayer dollars too, all to pay for more of their political ads.
The Red and the Blue team tried this on 10 years ago but the Australian public got so angry their back benchers revolted and Gillard and Abbott had to backflip. Let’s make Albo and Dutton do the same.
As Laurie Oakes said in 2013 “Even a total political nong would realise the level of community outrage that would generate—but Gillard apparently did not.” It seems the nongs never learn.”
I’m all for cleaning up political donations and many parts of the reforms Labor are introducing to the electoral act are common sense things that should’ve been done years ago. But here’s what’s dodgy: